Category Archives: Bible Studies

From Angels to Zionism we have so many topics to choose from. Use these biblical resources to help you study to show thyself approved unto God.

Last Days Doctrines

The following 12 doctrinal subjects are of crucial importance for (1) understanding end time events, (2) being prepared for the coming evil upon the world, and (3) perceiving Satan’s deceptions. Not coincidentally, these twelve biblical subjects are the very doctrines concerning which the mass of the “churches” are now completely ignorant and deceived. 1.) The King … Continue Reading ››

How to Read the Bible

(1)  Know What a Bible IS.  [Everything that says “Bible” on the cover ISN'T!]  (Sorry, but that’s the world we live in.) 2nd Corinthians 2:17   “For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God. . . .” [Only the “Authorized” (or “King James”) has this verse intact.  ALL of the other so-called “bibles” CORRUPTED … Continue Reading ››

Done & Undone

Job 1:20-21   “. . . the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” Ecclesiastes 8:4   “Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou?” Romans 9:6-24   “Hath not the potter power over the clay. . . ?” Colossians 1:18   “. … Continue Reading ››


It is impossible to become doctrinally grounded and settled on the issue of death if you: insist on believing “traditional church teaching,” insist on believing that the word of God contradicts itself on this issue, or try to consider this issue without first being born again. [Fact:  almost everybody has at least one of these handicaps.] QUESTION:  Who benefits from … Continue Reading ››


The bible takes up all the important and difficult questions of life, dealing in the greatest of complexities.  The bible believer will be confronted by others who; because they are naive, ignorant, deceived, or evil; do not understand this truth (or wish to act as if they do not understand it) and will accordingly pluck … Continue Reading ››


conclude, v.t. to arrive at by reasoning; to infer; to deduce. Acts 17:2   “And Paul, as his manner was . . . reasoned with them out of the scriptures. . . .” 18:4   “And he reasoned in the synagogue every sabbath, and persuaded the Jews and the Greeks.” Romans 3:28   “Therefore we conclude that a man is justified … Continue Reading ››

Church of Christ, Inc

This study exposes the doctrine and methods of “Church of Christ, Inc.” through an examination of one of its own books, Premillennialism, Bible Resource Publications, 1998.  (The word, “premillennialism” refers collectively to various biblical doctrines pertaining to the last of “the last days”.)  The disagreement hinges on whether the scripture in the bible concerning “the … Continue Reading ››


Baptism:  “An act involving a God created element demonstrating position with God.” (A)  You won’t get this definition from a dictionary! (B)  What you will get is a lot of religious mumbo jumbo pertaining to doctrine of Catholicism and her daughters. You will notice that “water” is nowhere in this definition.  (This definition is offensive to “Church of … Continue Reading ››